Have you ever thought to yourself,
“I wish someone would just tell me what my life purpose is so I can make choices without questioning myself!”?
The CDC reports that only 25% of American adults have a clear sense of purpose. Even if you’ve done a ton of personal growth work...
The allure is strong: you have a mystifying nighttime dream and then you open a magic book that de-codes the symbols and, voila, the meaning of your dream is revealed. Nice and clean. Cut and dry. Easy peasy. Too bad it doesn’t work like that…
Do I use dream dictionaries?...
I dreamt vividly that a friend was pregnant. I knew this friend definitely wasn’t intending to be pregnant, yet the dream was as real as day. I saw her that same evening in waking life and heard the words, “I have news!” come out of her mouth in a way that made my eyes open...
Each morning, I wake up bleary-eyed, barely conscious, still halfway in Dreamland, and I grab my dream journal. I scribble down whatever I can catch from my dreams before they dissolve back into the ether. I’ve been doing this for nearly thirty years and I can’t imagine it any other...
“Are we going to learn about lucid dreaming in this class?” as student asks at the start of a dreamwork series.
This question often arises from new students in the first or second session of my dreamwork classes, regardless of the theme of the class. When I give my answer, I see a mix...
“How can I trust that this is really real?” asked a student in one of my dreamwork classes.
A few days later, a private client said to me, “I don’t believe in my own reality."
Do either of these sound familiar?
If they do, you’re far from alone, but before we unpack...
I am a strong, smart, powerful woman. I create my own reality and that reality is abundant, nurturing, and fun…
…that is, until I encounter a life situation where I feel powerless, dumb, deficient, or frustrated!
Have you ever tried to use affirmations to shift your reality, only...